Poems & Essays

On Poetry

Thematic essays on beauty, politics, poetic forms, and more.

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Escape into Time

This poem is reprinted from Art in Print. The November-December 2018 issue focuses on the relationship between poetry and the printed image, including works by William Blake, Blaise Cendrars, Augusto de Campos, Martin Wong, Deryn Rees-Jones and Kate Wakeling as well as new poems from Mary Jo Bang, Timothy Donnelly, Mónica de la Torre, Major Jackson and others.

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So Far So Good: On Ursula K. Le Guin

Accepting her Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Book Foundation, Ursula K. Le Guin called on "poets, visionaries and realists of a new reality" to become hopeful agents of change. I've watched the video of her speech many times for inspiration about what it means to work in the literary arts, and I believe that brilliant poems are agents of change that allow insights into new realities.

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Take Note: Eleven New Collections by Asian American Poets

When I was first discovering poetry late in my undergrad years, you could usually find me sitting cross-legged in the Humanities wing of our mighty campus library, pouring over collections and dusty back-copies of hallowed literary magazines. This was pre-blogs, pre-online journals, pre YouTube—the popular internet as we know it was just starting to crackle alive in those years. 1995: I was just issued my first email address. I didn't know what to do with it except to say hello with perhaps a goofy joke to my dorm friends or younger sister.

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The Pale of Vermont

After I left Boston for Vermont in the summer of 1986, I thought that now, at last, I would have my own life. I felt like a man who goes to Europe to find himself. But instead I was going into the woods. Fewer than forty-five people lived in Brownsville at the foot of Mount Ascutney when Giff and I leased a small house on a hundred acres and took a couple of teaching jobs in the public schools.

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Brooklyn as a Bottomless Cup

The following essay is reprinted from Brooklyn Poets Anthology, a landmark collection which gathers 170 contemporary poets that call the Brooklyn home.

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The Unamuno Author Series by Spencer Reece

In the back courtyard of the Episcopal Cathedral in Madrid when I first arrived under the behest of the Amy Lowell grant, a poetry series started. Organically. Sometimes I have pushed this or that thing into existence in my life, but the older I get—now early fifties—I have experienced the joy of being led by a will greater than my own. This series feels propelled by something greater than me. A groundswell passion for poetry to spread outside the United States. To share sentiments and ideas between cultures and languages. I want to share my joy with you.

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