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Daniel Brian Jones on Folder

When and how and why was FOLDER conceived?

It seemed a lot of poetry was going online. I started enjoying works which would, by the chance of their publication, appear in both print and online. On September 8th 2015 I sent a bunch of emails. I think by the next day Jeremy Allan Hawkins and I started putting some of his poems together. We presented his issue October 1.

What makes Folder different from other places to read poetry (and literature) on the internet?

We present the work of one poet monthly. We like to think of it as a solo show in a gallery. And then we make one small print run of the year's issues. FOLDER 1 is available at 192 Books and Berl's in NYC, and at

What is something that you have recently published that really excited you, and why?

Daisy Aldan's final unpublished material. Justin Kuritzkes's play Asshole. A dreamy long poem of Aditi Machado's which will be in her first book out with Nightboat next year. Everybody's friend John Ashbery. The incredible Monica Youn. Amy King, who is so much Paul Éluard to me. The beginnings of Kit Schluter's novella about Pierrot. Jeremy Allan Hawkins, whose beautiful poems have been gaining and will gain acclaim. An awesome folio of new Gillian McCain poems. Feelsome T. M. De Vos. Robert Fernandez "sometimes a smile sits/in the center of the table/like a rare roast beef". Paul Killebrew poems on literally fleek. Walter Ancarrow and Jeffrey Grunthaner and Ethan Stebbins, who need to publish books. That's everything we've published to now. We're trying to get in touch with Miriam Solan's family—have you read her? She's beyond. There must be more poems than she published in her lifetime. If you know her daughters, ask them to email me.

What should someone submitting work to Folder know about the site?

We want to read. All the time. And twelve contributors a year is crazy. We're honored when you send. We're sorry we can't offer to publish more. Please keep us abreast of your work—if we can't offer you publication, we'll sincerely love reading your work and hope to write you our appreciation.

What other literary sites and journals, online or print, are your go-to?

Bartleby was important to me for many years. For new writing, I love Diagram, TYPO, Sixth Finch, PANK, inter|rupture, Canarium is a favorite press, Stonecutter, Ugly Duckling Presse, Maggy, The World, Ashen Meal, Lana Turner, No Dear, Prelude, do you know Tuesday? Love that project. Threepenny Review and American Poetry Review so good…

Daniel Brian Jones edits FOLDER and is a member of performance group Small Theaters Around The Country. With Small Theaters: John Ashbery's "Litany" at the Poetry Project, "What Is The Word" at Triskelion Arts Center, and "Coming to the hand", a program of Wallace Stevens texts, at Dixon Place forthcoming February 2017. Poems have appeared in journals.

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