
Frost & Shelley Awards

The Frost Medal and Shelley Memorial Award recognize lifetime and mid-career achievement in poetry. By nomination only.

2021 Frost Medalist

Awarded annually at the discretion of the PSA's Board of Governors for distinguished lifetime achievement in American poetry. Since 1995, the recipient of the Frost Medal has delivered the Frost Medal Lecture, a retrospective reading and talk that is the highlight of the Annual Awards Ceremony.

Robert Frost, Edgar Lee Masters, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Marianne Moore, and Wallace Stevens have all been honored by the Poetry Society of America with this Award.

The Frost Medal has recently been awarded to Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Michael Harper, Anthony Hecht, John Hollander, Richard Howard, X. J. Kennedy, Galway Kinnell, Maxine Kumin, Marie Ponsot, and Sonia Sanchez.

The prize ($5,000) is provided for by contributions from John and Nomi Stadler of the Ironwood Foundation, and Anne Stadler Klass of the Klass Family Foundation.

Four Quartets Prize

The Four Quartets Prize is for a unified and complete sequence of poems published in America in a print or online journal, chapbook, or book.

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Chapbook Fellowships

Launched in 2003, the PSA's Chapbook Program publishes each winner's work as a gorgeous chapbook, allowing new voices to reach new audiences.

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Frost & Shelley Awards

The Frost Medal and Shelley Memorial Award recognize lifetime and mid-career achievement in poetry. By nomination only.

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