
Frost & Shelley Awards

The Frost Medal and Shelley Memorial Award recognize lifetime and mid-career achievement in poetry. By nomination only.

2021 Shelley Memorial Award

Established by the will of the late Mary P. Sears in 1929 and given by nomination only, the Shelley Memorial Award is awarded to a poet, selected with reference to his or her genius and need, by a jury of three poets—one appointed by the President of Radcliffe, one by the president of the University of California at Berkeley, and one by the PSA Board of Governors.

The prize is between $6,000 and $9,000

Recent winners of this award have included Kimiko Hahn, Lyn Hejinian, Angela Jackson, Yusef Komunyakaa, James McMichael, Alice Notley, Ron Padgett, Ed Roberson, George Stanley, and Gary Young.

Four Quartets Prize

The Four Quartets Prize is for a unified and complete sequence of poems published in America in a print or online journal, chapbook, or book.

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Chapbook Fellowships

Launched in 2003, the PSA's Chapbook Program publishes each winner's work as a gorgeous chapbook, allowing new voices to reach new audiences.

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Frost & Shelley Awards

The Frost Medal and Shelley Memorial Award recognize lifetime and mid-career achievement in poetry. By nomination only.

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