
Book Awards for Publishers

2020 Book Awards for Publishers


October 1-December 23 2019

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Norma Farber First Book Award, $500

For a first book of original poetry written by a living author who lives in the United States or is a U.S. citizen. The book must be published in either a hard or soft cover in a standard edition in 2019. Translations are ineligible, as are chapbooks. A $500 cash prize goes to the author. The PSA will purchase the winning book at a 40% trade discount off the retail price, to be made available to our membership.

Established by the family and friends of Norma Farber, poet and author of children's books.

William Carlos Williams Award, $500

For a book of poetry written by a living author who lives in the United States or is a U.S. citizen. The book must be published by a small press, non-profit, or university press in a standard edition in 2019. Translations are ineligible, as are chapbooks. A $500 cash prize goes to the author. The PSA will purchase the winning book at a 40% trade discount off the retail price, to be made available to our membership.

Endowed by the family and friends of Geraldine Clinton Little, a poet and author of short stories and former vice-president of the PSA.

Submission Details

  • Books must be submitted directly by publishers.
  • Entry forms are required.
  • There is a $20 entry fee per book.
  • No book may be submitted to both contests.

Mailing Address

Poetry Society of America Awards
15 Gramercy Park
New York New York, 10003

Pay Entry Fee Online

If you pay online please send books with entry form, and note payment on the form.

Book Award Fees

Four Quartets Prize

The Four Quartets Prize is for a unified and complete sequence of poems published in America in a print or online journal, chapbook, or book.

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Chapbook Fellowships

Launched in 2003, the PSA's Chapbook Program publishes each winner's work as a gorgeous chapbook, allowing new voices to reach new audiences.

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Frost & Shelley Awards

The Frost Medal and Shelley Memorial Award recognize lifetime and mid-career achievement in poetry. By nomination only.

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