
Annual Awards

The PSA's Annual Awards are among the most prestigious honors available to poets. They offer emerging and established poets recognition at all stages of their careers, including our student poetry award and book awards for publishers.

2021 Poetry Society of America Awards

All submissions to the Poetry Society of America's individual awards (#1 -7) are through Submittable. We do not accept print submissions. Please read the below guidelines and visit Submittable to enter your work.

Submission Details


October 1-December 31, 2020

Online Entry

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Varies based on award

Award 1
The Writer Magazine/Emily Dickinson Award
Judged by Deborah Paredez

For a poem inspired by Emily Dickinson, though not necessarily in her style.

Award 2
Cecil Hemley Memorial Award
Judged by Martha Collins

For a lyric poem that addresses a philosophical or epistemological concern.

Established by Jack Stadler, former Treasurer of the PSA, and his late wife, Ralynn Stadler.

Award 3
Lyric Poetry Award
Judged by Camonghne Felix

For a lyric poem on any subject.

Established under the will of PSA member Mrs. Consuelo Ford (Althea Urn), and also in memory of Mary Carolyn Davies.

Award 4
Lucille Medwick Memorial Award
Judged by Amit Majmudar

For an original poem in any form on a humanitarian theme.

Established by Maury Medwick in memory of his wife, the poet and editor.

Award 5
Alice Fay Di Castagnola Award
Judged by Elisa Gabbert

For 10 pages of poetry from a manuscript-in-progress.

Previously published poems are acceptable; include acknowledgment of publications on your cover sheet. Poems entered as part of a Di Castagnola manuscript may be entered individually in other PSA awards, if they haven’t been previously published.

Offered in memory of a benefactor and friend of the PSA, and partially endowed by the Estate of Rachel Dalven, and the estate of Ellen Lamon Anderson.

Award 6
George Bogin Memorial Award
Judged by Shane McCrae

For a selection of four or five poems that use language in an original way to reflect the encounter of the ordinary and the extraordinary and to take a stand against oppression in any of its forms.

Established by the family and friends of George Bogin.

Award 7
Robert H. Winner Memorial Award
Judged by Heid E. Erdrich

For a manuscript of 10 pages by a mid-career by a poet who has not had substantial recognition. Open to poets 40 and over who have published no more than one full-length collection of poetry. Poets who have not published a book are eligible.

Previously published poems are acceptable; include acknowledgment of publications on your cover sheet. Poems entered as part of a Winner manuscript may be entered individually in other PSA awards, if they haven’t been previously published.

Established by the family and friends of Robert H. Winner, whose first book of poems appeared when he was almost fifty years old.

Submission Details & Instructions

  • Awards are open to Poetry Society of America members for free.
  • The fees for non-members are: single poem awards $10, multiple poem awards are $15.
  • Personal identification cannot appear in the submission document anywhere.
  • Only one entry per award.
  • You cannot submit the same poem to more than one award.
    The exception: Individual poems submitted to Alice Fay Di Castagnola Award or Robert H. Winner Award may be submitted to another PSA award.
  • The submission most not have been previously published.
    The exception: The Alice Fay Di Castagnola Award and the Robert Winner Award.
  • Submissions by more than on author are not eligible.
  • Translations are not eligible. All poems must be original and primarily in English.
  • A poem which has previously won a Poetry Society of America award cannot be resubmitted to any of the awards.
  • We cannot accept corrections after submission.
  • Submissions from Poetry Society employees, officers, or advisory board committee members are ineligible.


  • We cannot confirm receipt over phone or email.
  • We cannot accept any corrections or revisions to submissions.
  • The winners will be announced early April.

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Four Quartets Prize

The Four Quartets Prize is for a unified and complete sequence of poems published in America in a print or online journal, chapbook, or book.

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Chapbook Fellowships

Launched in 2003, the PSA's Chapbook Program publishes each winner's work as a gorgeous chapbook, allowing new voices to reach new audiences.

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Frost & Shelley Awards

The Frost Medal and Shelley Memorial Award recognize lifetime and mid-career achievement in poetry. By nomination only.

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